20 reasons to choose Challans Poultry

600 passionate poulterers
600 passionate poulterers
  • A HISTORIC BRAND, easily recognisable by its YELLOW RIBBON LOGO and defending the values
    of quality and tradition SINCE 1969.
  • ABOUT 100 PIONEERING BREEDERS who, since 1969, have developed a wealth of experience in
    rearing ‘Label Rouge’ poultry.
  • DEDICATED PROFESSIONALS for whom poultry rearing is a true vocation: for them quality defi nitely
    comes before quantity.
  • FREE-RANGE rearing farms with open grassy and shaded runs over large areas (10% more than the
    standard required for the ‘Label Rouge’ certification).
  • SMALL MIXED-GENDER GROUPS OF BIRDS (male and female) in accordance with traditional
    rearing techniques.
  • A variable rearing period, up to 8 DAYS LONGER than required for the ‘Label Rouge’ certifi cation, in
    order to ensure that the poultry reaches full maturity.
  • Free access to feed so that the birds can eat WHEN THEY CHOOSE.
  • NON STANDARDISED POULTRY, with variable average weights.
  • Black-leg naked-neck chickens, selected for the QUALITY OF THEIR MEAT and not for the quantity.
  • HOMEOPATHY AND PHYTOTHERAPY are used fi rst if any medical treatment is required.
  • Rings applied to chickens MANUALLY BY THE BREEDER for detailed control and selection of each
  • COLLECTING BASED ON DEMAND in order to offer every day freshly slaughtered poultry.
  • SLAUGHTERING AT MODERATE SPEED to ensure that all birds are neatly presented.
  • SUPPLY OF WHOLE BIRDS (with head and tarsi) so that poulterers can then prepare orders on
  • FLEXIBLE AND RESPONSIVE DELIVERY: individual batch sizes to ensure supply without needless
  • Breeders and abattoirs located nearby, which reduces transport: a perfect way to foster ANIMAL
    WELFARE and protect the ENVIRONMENT.
  • More TENDER AND SUCCULENT poultry meat in the mouth.
  • The brand offering THE WIDEST RANGE of ‘Label Rouge’ poultry on the market.
  • The only brand to offer a SPECIFIC “100- DAY RANGE” in black- yellow- and white-leg chickens.
Contact us
Please, contact us if you have any questions

02 51 93 14 56