A HISTORIC BRAND, easily recognisable by its YELLOW RIBBON LOGO and defending the values of quality and tradition SINCE 1969.
ABOUT 100 PIONEERING BREEDERS who, since 1969, have developed a wealth of experience in rearing ‘Label Rouge’ poultry.
DEDICATED PROFESSIONALS for whom poultry rearing is a true vocation: for them quality defi nitely comes before quantity.
FREE-RANGE rearing farms with open grassy and shaded runs over large areas (10% more than the standard required for the ‘Label Rouge’ certification).
SMALL MIXED-GENDER GROUPS OF BIRDS (male and female) in accordance with traditional rearing techniques.
A variable rearing period, up to 8 DAYS LONGER than required for the ‘Label Rouge’ certifi cation, in order to ensure that the poultry reaches full maturity.
Free access to feed so that the birds can eat WHEN THEY CHOOSE.
NON STANDARDISED POULTRY, with variable average weights.
Black-leg naked-neck chickens, selected for the QUALITY OF THEIR MEAT and not for the quantity.
HOMEOPATHY AND PHYTOTHERAPY are used fi rst if any medical treatment is required.
Rings applied to chickens MANUALLY BY THE BREEDER for detailed control and selection of each bird.
COLLECTING BASED ON DEMAND in order to offer every day freshly slaughtered poultry.
SLAUGHTERING AT MODERATE SPEED to ensure that all birds are neatly presented.
SUPPLY OF WHOLE BIRDS (with head and tarsi) so that poulterers can then prepare orders on demand.
FLEXIBLE AND RESPONSIVE DELIVERY: individual batch sizes to ensure supply without needless storage.
Breeders and abattoirs located nearby, which reduces transport: a perfect way to foster ANIMAL WELFARE and protect the ENVIRONMENT.
More TENDER AND SUCCULENT poultry meat in the mouth.
The brand offering THE WIDEST RANGE of ‘Label Rouge’ poultry on the market.
The only brand to offer a SPECIFIC “100- DAY RANGE” in black- yellow- and white-leg chickens.